Compare 📅

HawkHacks 2024 Winner

Closer up image

Sign in with google, import your calendars
and find when you and your friends are free!

W Stage Pic
Winning Selfie
Wacom Tablet + JBL Speaker??


I'm sure we all know the pain of trying to meet up with friends or trying to organize anything in general, and just never being able to find the time to do it. No matter what you do, it seems like everyone is busy, and by the time you actually find a day that works, it's taken way longer than it needs to, and that's putting it lightly. But everyone has a simple google calendar they use, so what if we just imported that google calendar, compared that to the google calendar's of all of their friends, and then find a time that everyone can meet up together?

That's how we came up with Calendar Compare, a website that does exactly that, with a google sign in twist!

What it does

Calendar Compare prompts a user to sign in with Google, and then immediately imports the user's current calendars. After that, calendars are compared with other users to see when everyone is free!

Friend #1's Calendar
Friend #2's Calendar

How we built it

The backbone of Calendar Compare is the OAuth, which allows a user to sign in to their google account and extract the items on their Google Calendar. We used a Flask Boilerplate HTML baseplate to form the basis of our website, and the entire project with Python.

Calendar Compare Homepage
Google OAuth Prompt
The resulting calendar when EVERYONE is free

Our Perfect Domain! Sadly we couldn't actually claim it due to pricing despite the promo code, but that would have been the go-to domain we would have used!

All in all, this was an eye opening experience of us! It taught us the importance of picking an idea we are truly passionate about, and saving some time for fun in these long events! We were very proud of being able to our experience at HawkHacks 2024 from turmoil to success, and still have a really cool project to show for it!

And with what we've made today, there's a bright future ahead when it comes to picking schedules. By creating a website that's easy to use, accessible, and simple, Calendar Compare is perfect for picking a time to host all of your favourite events!

Epic Win

Despite the challenges we faced, we ended up winning the Best Adobe Express Hack!

Our idea was basically really nice for a potential Adobe Express Plugin!

We definitely learned that web dev is not 100% our thing, but we still managed to have a really good idea.

We learned that the idea is what carries the demo. The execution is maybe around 30% if we have a great idea.

Check it Out!

GitHub Repo
TaiKai Submission
Adam's Devpost
Gavin's Devpost
Patrick's Devpost